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Bhagavad Gita for Daily Enrichment Book Reading Playlist 05

Ever flowing, Never Flooding The Dynamics of Inner Peace (Gita Daily)

Expecting the default to change by default is a dangerous fault (Gita Daily)

Mooring our heart to Krishna in the morning (Gita Daily)

Take exception to the hope for an exception (Gita Daily)

The minds formula Never eat anything first except the head (Gita Daily)

When attention seems like detention (Gita Daily)

The mind may stray away let it not stay away (Gita Daily)

The mind is predictably dangerous and dangerously unpredictable (Gita Daily)

The mind can impel, but not compel (Gita Daily)

The loose ends never end (Gita Daily)

Study makes us steady and sturdy (Gita Daily)

Striking a deal between the extraordinary and the ordinary (Gita Daily)

Seek not a problem free life, but a purpose filled life (Gita Daily)

Scared of the Sacred (Gita Daily)

Our vulnerability points to our opportunity (Gita Daily)

Our days of cowering to the mind are over (Gita Daily)

Let the spare wheel become the steering wheel (Gita Daily)

Let the meditation extend beyond the location

Haunted by Happiness (Gita Daily)

Fidelity, Flexibility, Felicity & Sincerity (Gita Daily)

Fasting is an opportunity for feasting (Gita Daily)

Did I change my mind or did my mind change me (Gita Daily)

Conquer Provocative Mind with Evocative Mantra (Gita Daily)

Change of values is more significant than change of desires (Gita Daily)

Are we violating our own human rights (Gita Daily)

Am I convinced that the prize is greater than the price (Gita Daily)

Waking up from the nightmare of death !(Gita Daily)

Why trust the untrustworthy? (Gita Daily)

Why self help doesn't help ! (Gita Daily)

The last ditch attack of the false ego ! (Gita Daily)

Might we ourselves be the aliens ! (Gita Daily)

Beyond rapidity and vapidity to clarify and serenity! (Gita Daily)

Are we being dulled and lulled? (Gita Daily)

The Gita lives through those who live the Gita ! (Gita Daily)

"Who am I?" or" What is my?" (Gita Daily)

Do we have the courage to question our questions ? (Gita Daily)

Krishna is realer than reality ! (Gita Daily)

Life's amazing secret ! (Gita Daily)

The world is a station,not a destination ! (Gita Daily)

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